Thursday, November 29, 2012

Cnha Aylin chilling in her bed

Cnha Aylin is all grown up & now has to sleep in her bed @ night.

Two Totally Different Views

Jack Frost stop by the house last night. So frost all over the ground. (Scene set up) it is 25*f

Cnha Aylin : Woo Hoo, daddy daddy look. Weeeee does this mean it might snow soon. (Running around the yard like a crazy bitch)

Jax : (as he steps on the grass) Rooooo, what the hell is this shit. It's cold daddy. Omg I got to pee. (Then runs to the back door) Roooo, Roooo daddy let me in NOW!!!

Cnha Aylin started barking @ jax which you can only take as her saying. Dude shut up & come play. Snow will be here soon.

My kids are like night & day sometimes.