Well my boy Jax turned 1yrs old on Tuesday 8/9/11.
My friend Jeff who was moving back home stayed at my house. While he finished up some things in Richmond. The best part was that he has a Sibe named Lee. Cnha met Lee at the dog park & they instantly hit it off. She liked lee so much that befriended hi master Jeff. The things we do for our kids.Cnha met Lee before I started to foster for Pet Harbor (probable one of the best things i have done in my life). I think Cnha sees Lee as her boyfriend, well that is what i call him to her. Now Lee, JP & Cnha are great friends & get along beautifully.I was worried I do have to admit that Lee & Buck might not get along. However that was NOT the case. These 2 had a blast playing and chasing each other around the yard & through the house. As you can see in these videos the 4 of them get along quite well.
The 4th Sibe is Lee
& then after that we all did....
Well that was Saturday. This was Tuesday. When i woke that morning i sang Happy Birthday to JP & the talker he is sang with me. Of course he is a little camera shy & every time he sees me with the phone/camera he stops. One of these days i will get him.Buck has really grown to like Jax a lot. I think he is a little jealous of him being my boy and he(Buck) is not.
See even buck was giving Jax some love. I know it is a little dark. Sorry about that but if i had turned on some lights. they would have stopped and just wanted me to play with them.
Well we all had a fun weekend & not the kids birthdays are both done I guess mine is the only one left. I can't believe i only have a few more days to be DIRTY, but at least soon I get be FABULOUS. (Not that i was not already... LMAO..
I do want to wish Pauly's RL sister a Happy Birthday. I hope she is having a great time with her new family.
- Posted by Sirhc22 & approved by Thing 1 & Thing 2 (сина & J.P.Vuk)